6 Online Dangers

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Relationships: 6 Dangers Of Meeting People Online. Meeting people online has its pros and cons. You have to exercise caution while interacting with people on the internet so as to not have a bad experience. Some prey on the anonymity of online interactions to carry out their malicious acts. The internet can be a dangerous place to meet people.

  1. Children are among the most active internet users, and are unfortunately subject to a number of threats. If you allow your children to spend considerable time surfing the web, it's important to know what threats they face. Here are some of the most common online threats to.
  2. Roblox.: This online gaming platform is popular with kids, teens and even adults, which allows.
  3. Danger TV brings you the best danger and adventure short videos, TV series and films from around the world-FREE! Watch animal attacks, daredevils, extreme weather, survival, disaster, speed, war, current events, and more every single day.
2. A source or an instance of risk or peril.
[Middle English daunger, power, dominion, peril, from Old French dangier, from Vulgar Latin *dominiārium, authority, power, from Latin dominium, sovereignty, from dominus, lord, master; see dem- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈdeɪndʒə) n
1. the state of being vulnerable to injury, loss, or evil; risk
2. a person or thing that may cause injury, pain, etc
4. in danger of liable to
5. (Medicine) on the danger list critically ill in hospital
[C13: daunger power, hence power to inflict injury, from Old French dongier (from Latin dominium ownership) blended with Old French dam injury, from Latin damnum]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdeɪn dʒər)
1. liability or exposure to harm or injury; risk; peril.
3. Obs. power; jurisdiction; domain.
[1175–1225; < Old French dangier, alter. of dongier (by influence of damdamage) < Vulgar Latin *domniārium= Latin domini(um)dominion + -ārium, neuter of -ārius-ary]
syn: danger, hazard, peril imply harm that one may encounter. danger is the general word for liability to injury or harm, either near at hand and certain, or remote and doubtful: to be in danger of being killed. hazard suggests a danger that one can often foresee but cannot avoid: A mountain climber is exposed to many hazards. peril usu. denotes great and imminent danger: The passengers on the disabled ship were in great peril.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  1. (His presence was) a foreboding, or dismal signal, like drawn blinds —Elizabeth Taylor
  2. Dangerous as a gift from an enemy —Anon

    A twist on the Danish proverb “Gifts from enemies are dangerous.”

  3. Dangerous as cocaine —Pietro Mascagni

    The danger being described is modern music.

  4. (I feel so many) dangers gathering round, like shadows —Davis Grubb
  5. Feel as though I’m dancing on a volcano —Rita Mae Brown
  6. Felt as if they were about to dive onto a postage stamp from the top of the Eiffel Tower —Fred Taylor
  7. (One’s life) hangs perilously in danger, like ripe fruit on a thin branch —Stephen Longstreet
  8. Hazardous as sand traps for golfers —Anon
  9. It [the need to risk] was like statistics or gambling; you had to compute probabilities —Mary McCarthy

    In her novel, A Charmed Life, McCarthy expands on her simile with this sentence: “And there was always the unforeseen, the little thing you overlooked that would catch you up in the end.”

  10. The menace (of insanity) is like a warder, restricting my freedom of mind —Richard Maynard
  11. (His) menaces … idle as the wind —W. S. Gilbert
  12. Menacing as a fury —Natascha Wodin
  13. Ominous and dark as the hour before a storm —Gerald Kersh
  14. Ominous, like waves in a gathering mid-Atlantic storm —Anon
  15. Rode precariously, like high-wire artists —Ross Macdonald
  16. Safe as a cow in a stockyard —Anon
  17. Safe as a mouse in cheese —John Ray’s Proverbs
  18. The safe earth … grew narrow as a grave —Phyllis Bottome
  19. There was a feeling like a concussion in the air —Eudora Welty
  20. This faint shadow [of danger] lay upon his life … as discreetly as the shadow of cancer lies among cells —Thomas McGuane
  21. Trying to maintain good relations with a Communist is like wooing a crocodile —Winston Churchill
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



beware the ides of March See SUPERSTITION.

cat ice Flimsy ground, precarious condition. Cat ice is extremely thin ice formed on shallow water which has since receded. It owes its name to the belief that it could not support even the weight of a cat. The phrase has been in use since 1884.

nourish a snake in one’s bosom To show kindness to one who proves ungrateful. The allusion is to the Aesop fable in which a farmer, finding a snake frozen stiff with cold, placed it in his bosom. The snake, thawed by the warmth, quickly revived and inflicted a fatal bite on its benefactor.

I fear me you but warm the starved snake,
Who, cherished in your breasts, will sting your hearts.
(Shakespeare, II Henry VI, III, i)

snake in the grass A sneak, dastard, skulker; a suspicious, treacherous, or disingenuous person; a traitor or craven; any lurking danger. This expression is derived from a line in Virgil’s Third Eclogue (approx. 40 B.c.), Latet anguis in herba ‘a snake lurks in the grass,’ alluding to the potential danger posed by a poisonous snake that is hidden in the grass as if in ambush.

There is a snake in the grass and the design is mischievous. (Thomas Hearne, Remarks and Collections, 1709)

sword of Damocles The threat of impending danger or doom; also Damocles’ sword.

Little do directors and their companies know of this sword of Damocles that hangs over them. (Law Times, 1892)

The allusion is to the sycophant Damocles, invited by Dionysius of Syracuse to a lavish banquet. But Damocles could not enjoy the sumptuous feast because Dionysius had had suspended over his head a sword hanging by a single hair. He dared not move lest the sword fall and kill him. See also hang by a thread, PRECARIOUSNESS.

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.danger - the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury; 'you are in no danger'; 'there was widespread danger of disease'
condition, status - a state at a particular time; 'a condition (or state) of disrepair'; 'the current status of the arms negotiations'
clear and present danger - a standard for judging when freedom of speech can be abridged; 'no one has a right to shout `fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire because such an action would pose a clear and present danger to public safety'
hazardousness, perilousness - the state of being dangerous
insecurity - the state of being subject to danger or injury
riskiness, peril - a state of danger involving risk
vulnerability, exposure - the state of being vulnerable or exposed; 'his vulnerability to litigation'; 'his exposure to ridicule'
safety - the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; 'insure the safety of the children'; 'the reciprocal of safety is risk'
2.danger - a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury; 'he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime'; 'there was a danger he would do the wrong thing'
venture - any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome
chance - a risk involving danger; 'you take a chance when you let her drive'
crapshoot - a risky and uncertain venture; 'getting admitted to the college of your choice has become a crapshoot'
3.danger - a cause of pain or injury or loss; 'he feared the dangers of traveling by air'
causal agency, causal agent, cause - any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
endangerment, hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk - a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune; 'drinking alcohol is a health hazard'
menace, threat - something that is a source of danger; 'earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan'
4.danger - a dangerous place; 'He moved out of danger'
area, country - a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); 'it was a mountainous area'; 'Bible country'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.jeopardy, risk, peril, vulnerability, insecurity, precariousness, endangermentYour life is in danger.
2.hazard, risk, threat, menace, peril, pitfallThese roads are a danger to cyclists.
3.possibility, chance, risk, prospect, liability, likelihood, probabilityThere is a real danger that people will not be able to afford insurance.
'danger, the spur of all great minds' [George Chapman The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


nounExposure to possible harm, loss, or injury:
endangerment, hazard, imperilment, jeopardy, peril, risk.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


to be in dangerestar en peligro, correrpeligro
to be in danger of fallingcorrer el peligroorriesgo de caer
there is a danger ofhay peligroorriesgo de
there was no danger that he would be discoveredno había peligrode que lo descubrieran
(to be) out of danger (gen, Med) → (estar) fuera depeligro
to be a danger to sth/sb/o.sser un peligro para algo/para algn/para sí mismo
'danger men at work'¡atención or ¡peligroobras!
'danger keep out'¡peligro de muerte! prohibido el acceso
B.CPDdanger areaN = danger zonedanger listN (Med) to be on the danger listestar grave
danger moneyNplusm de peligrosidad
danger pointNpuntomcrítico
danger signalNseñalf de peligro
danger zoneNáreaforzonaf de peligro
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


'danger!' (on sign)'danger!'
Onlinethere is a danger of → il y a un risque de
There is a danger of fire → OnlineIl y arisque d'incendie., Il y a un risque d'incendie.
there is a danger that ...
There is a danger that they will be unable to → Ils risquent de ne pas pouvoir ...
There's a danger the company won't be able to pay → La sociétérisque de ne pas pouvoir payer.
There is a danger that people will be injured → Il risque d'y avoir des blessés.
in danger → en danger
His life is in danger → Sa vieest en danger.
You are in danger → Tu es en danger.
Don't worry, she is not in any danger
BUTNe t'inquiète pas, elle ne risque rien.
to be in danger of doing sth → risquer de faire qch
We were in danger of missing the plane → Nous risquions de rater l'avion.
He was in danger of falling → Il risquait de tomber.
to put sb in danger → mettre qn en danger
to put sb's life in danger → mettre la vie de qn en danger
out of danger → hors de danger
to be a danger to sb [thing] → être dangereux/euse pour qn
to be a danger to the public
This man is a danger to the public → Cet hommeestdangereux.
to be a danger to sth → être dangereux/euse pour qch
Smoking is a danger to health → Le tabacestdangereux pour la santé.danger list n
to be on the danger list → être dans un étatcritiquedanger money n(British)primef de risque
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Gefahrf; he loves dangerer liebt die Gefahr; the dangers of smokingdie mit dem RauchenverbundenenGefahren; to put somebody/something in dangerjdn/etw in Gefahrbringen, jdn/etwgefährden; to run into dangerin Gefahrgeraten; to be in danger of doing somethingGefahrlaufen, etw zu tun; the species is in danger of extinctiondie Art ist vomAussterbenbedroht; out of dangeraußer Gefahr; there is a danger of firees bestehtFeuergefahr; there is a danger of his getting lostes besteht die Gefahr, dass er sich verirrt; he ran the danger of being recognizeder liefGefahr, erkannt zu werden; there is no danger of thatdie Gefahrbestehtnicht; to be a danger to somebody/somethingfür jdn/etw eine Gefahrbedeuten; he’s a danger to himselfer bringt sich selbst in Gefahr
“danger”„Achtung, Lebensgefahr!“; (Mot) → „Gefahrenstelle“; “danger, high-tension cables”„Achtung, Hochspannung!“; “danger, ice”„Glatteisgefahr“; “danger, keep out”„Zutrittverboten, Lebensgefahr!“; the signal was at danger (Rail) → das Signalstand aufRot


danger area
danger list
danger money
nGefahrenzulagef; to get dangereine Gefahrenzulagekriegen


: danger point
nGefahrengrenzef; to reach dangerdie Gefahrengrenze erreichen
danger signal
n (lit, fig)Warnsignalnt; (Rail) → Deckungssignalntvor Gefahr(spec)
danger zone
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


in danger → in pericolo
out of danger → fuori pericolo
to put sb's life in danger → mettere in pericolo la vita di qn
to be in danger of falling → rischiare di cadere
there was no danger that he would be caught → non c'era pericolo che lo prendessero
there is a danger of fire → c'è pericolo diincendio
'danger! men at work' → 'attenzione! lavori in corso'
'danger! keep out' → 'pericolo! vietato l'accesso'
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈdeindʒə) noun
1. something that may cause harm or injury. The canal is a danger to children. gevaar, bedreiging خَطَر опасност perigo nebezpečí die Gefahr fare κίνδυνος, απειλήpeligro hädaoht خطر؛ مخاطره vaaran aiheuttaja dangerמסוכן खतरा opasnost veszély bahaya hætta pericolo 危険 위험 pavojus, grėsmė briesmas; draudi bahaya gevaarfarezagrożenie خطر، وېره، بېره، ډار perigo pericol опасность nebezpečenstvo nevarnost opasnost fara สิ่งที่ก่อให้เกิดอันตราย tehlike 危險 небезпека; ризик نقصان یا چوٹ پہنچانے والی کوئی شی sự nguy hiểm 危险
2. a state or situation in which harm may come to a person or thing. He is in danger; The bridge is in danger of collapse. gevaar حالَة خَطَر опасност perigo nebezpečí die Gefahr fare κίνδυνος en peligro oht خطر vaara dangerסכנה खतरा opasnost veszély bahaya (í) hættu pericolo 危難 위험한 상태 pavojus briesmas merbahaya gevaarfareniebezpieczeństwo خطر perigo (în) pericol опасность nebezpečenstvo nevarnost u opasnosti fara, risk อันตราย tehlike 危險狀態 небезпека خطرناک صورتحال nguy cơ 危险状态
ˈdangerous adjective
very unsafe and likely to be the cause of danger. a dangerous road; a dangerous enemy. gevaarlik خَطِر опасен perigoso nebezpečný gefährlich farlig επικίνδυνοςpeligroso, arriesgado (häda)ohtlik خطرناک vaarallinen dangereuxמסוכן खतरनाक opasan veszélyes berbahaya hættulegur pericoloso 危い 위험한 pavojingas bīstams berbahaya gevaarlijkfarligniebezpieczny ویره بیره perigoso periculos опасный nebezpečný nevaren opasan farlig ซึ่งเป็นอันตราย tehlikeli 危險的 небезпечний, ризикований خطرناک ، مخدوش chính là mối hiểm họa 危险的
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


Onlineخَطَر nebezpečí fareGefahrκίνδυνοςpeligro vaaradanger opasnostpericolo

6 Online Dangers Games

危険 위험gevaarfareniebezpieczeństwoperigoопасность

Six Online Dangers

fara อันตรายtehlike sự nguy hiểm危险
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

6 Online Dangers Without


English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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