Casino Music Pokemon
Non-Japanese Version
Moonglow Love Theme From Picnic (1955) Written by Edgar De Lange (as Eddie DeLange), Will Hudson, Irving Mills / Morris Stoloff Courtesy of MCA Records Published by EMI Mills Music, Inc./Scarsdale Music Corp. Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., Inc. Film Division. Music is a huge marketing tool in the casinos, and while the myths of hypnotic music aren’t totally true, music really can help to change a guests’ attitude, in order to provide the very best atmosphere for the guests. This helps to boost the guest’s experience and as.

Casino Pokemon Music
The Game Corner - Voltorb Flip Outside of Japan, the Game Corner got completely replaced. All slot machines were removed but replaced with a special game, the Voltorb Flip. In addition to this, the coin exchange has been removed so you can no longer purchase the coins in order to play the game. This game is a low risk game and works in a similar means to MineSweeper & Picross You get given a small game board with 25 tiles in it. Your task here is to get multipliers. Intermixed with the multipliers are Voltorb tiles. However, on the sides, you get told how many Voltorbs are within the row and columns. As you get each multiplier on each board, you progress up a level. Each level has further Voltorb cards and less, but more powerful multipliers are placed. You have the ability to put notes of what you think the tile may be, so you have a reminder of what a Voltorb card may be. This makes it easier for you to get the coins you need to get the prizes. |
Japanese Version

Free Pokemon Music

Pokemon Rouge Casino
The Game Corner - Slots The Game Corner has bween present in all games since the inception of Pokémon. In Heart Gold & Soul Silver however, it is found in two locations; Goldenrod City & Celadon City. The game however, remains the same and to use it, you need the Coin Case and some coins. You can buy some to get you started from the counter; 50 Coins for 1000 and 500 for 10000. Like previous games, you place one coin into the machine and you start running slots. Your task is to get three icons in a row at any point, diagonally or horizontally. There are six different icons for you to get and the price is dependant on them. The prizes are as follows:
However, the values may differ depending on the Machine. Specifically one in Goldenrod next to the gentleman in the middle on Sunday Mornings and one next to the large man in Celadon Game Corner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Backgrounds The slots are based upon Smeargle's drawing of the icons and its mood. These moods have an affect on the Game Corner and on the icons you can match. They change based on how much you win or lose against the Slot Machine Green Background: Everything is normal and it is the first background you will see | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bonus Mode The Bonus mode is activated when you obtain 3 7s or 3 Pokéballs. In this Bonus Mode, you have to match up pictures of the starter Pokémon of Johto (Chikorita, Cyndaquil & Totodile). You have 8 tries to do this, and you get told the Pokémon you are to get. Usually, the machine will give you one or two of the slides and you have to stop the other one with perfect timing to win the prize The prizes begin at 20 coins and progessively go up as you succeed more. The speed of the slots also increase to create a further challenge. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prizes Both of the Game Corners have a Prize area where you can exchange your coins for a variety of prizes varying from TMs to Hold Items and even Pokémon Goldenrod Game Corner TMs
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Celadon Game Corner TMs