Cassino World War 2


Monte Cassino was the last major action the original 100th completed. After that, the battalion received replacements from the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and headed for Anzio. Italy, showing Monte Cassino and the Gustav Line. A view of the rebuilt abbey on Monte Cassino, taken from one of the war cemeteries at Cassino. Design 'Battle Of Monte Cassino - World War 2 / WWII' on Men's T-Shirt in black + more colours, size S-6XL at Spreadshirt ยป customizable easy returns. Of the Cassino story. If he had got that support - either then or later when General Francis Tuker of the 4th Indian Division was urging a similar strategy - perhaps the resulting bloodbath could have been avoided. Monte Cassino, The Story of the Hardest-fought Battle of World War II, by Matthew Parker was published by Headline in 2003. One interesting detail about the Battle of Monte Cassino is how everyone fighting for it perceived it. Monte Cassino had significant cultural importance because of the paintings, literature and other works of art located there. So before the war reached Monte Cassino German leadership decided to move these priceless treasures to a safer place.

Battle of monte cassino world war 2

Salerno to Cassino

Cassino World War 2by Martin Blumenson


. . . to Those Who Served

Monte Cassino World War 2

Stetson Conn, General Editor
Advisory Committee
(As of 15 June 1967)
Fred C. Cole
Washington and Lee University
Lt. Gen. August Schomburg
Industrial College of the Armed Forces
Charles B. Burdick
San Jose State College
Maj. Gen. B. E. Powell
U.S. Continental Army Command
James A. Field, Jr.
Swarthmore College
Brig. Gen. Robert B. Smith
U.S. Army War College
Richard W. Leopold
Northwestern University
Brig. Gen. Robert C. Taber
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Ernest R. May
Harvard University
Col. Thomas E. Griess
United States Military Academy
Charles P. Roland
Tulane University
Office of the Chief of Military History

World War 2 Battle Of Cassino

Brig. Gen. Hal C. Pattison, Chief of Military History War

Cassino World War 2

Chief HistorianStetson Conn
Chief, Histories DivisionCol. Paul P. Hinkley
Editor in ChiefJoseph R. Friedman


The Authorviii
I.The Origins3
The Strategic Background4
Toward a Decision8
II.The Choice16
The Concept16
The Decision21
The Place25
III.The Preparations27
IV.The Start43
The Plans43
The Preliminaries51
V.The Opposition: The Germans in Italy58
VI.The Landings73
The Last Few Miles of Sea73
The Initial American Waves76
The American Beaches85
The Results of the First Day90
VII.The Beachhead96
German Build-up96
The Beachhead Developed99
The German Attack112
VIII.The Crisis118
Allied Build-up118
The Avellino Mission131
IX.The End of the Battle133
The Crisis Resolved133
The Eighth Army Role138
Some Miscellaneous Matters143
X.Beyond Salerno154
Problems and Plans154
The Flanking March158
The Main Effort162
The Winter Campaign
XI.The Strategy175
Allied Intentions175
The German Decision182
Allied Problems184
XII.The Volturno Crossing188
The Immediate Situation188
The Attack Down the Calore Valley194
The Main Crossings196
The Crossing on the Right Flank200
The Crossings on the Left203
XIII.Into the Winter Line207
Mountain Warfare208
The Second Volturno Crossing210
The Upper Volturno Valley213
The Coastal Zone214
More Mountain Warfare217
The Third Volturno Crossing220
The Germans at the Bernhard Line223
Into the Bernhard Line226
XIV.The Shape of Things to Come235
Allied Reappraisal235
Hitler's Decision243
The Cairo and Tehran Conferences246
The Lull248
XV.In the Winter Line257
The Sangro Front257
Plans To Breach the Mignano Barrier260
The Camino-Difensa-Maggiore Complex262
XVI.San Pietro270
The Conditions270
The First Attack274
The Second Attack277
The Aftermath285
The Other Fronts288
Anzio and Cassino
XVII.The Decision for Anzio293
XVIII.The Preliminaries for Anzio305
Toward the Rapido-Garigliano River Line306
The German Situation310
Closing to the River Line313
Crossing the Garigliano315
XIX.The Rapido River Crossings322
XX.The Anzio Landing352
The Landing357
German Reaction360
XXI.The Attacks on Cassino366
XXII.The Opening Battles at Anzio385
The Allied Attack385
The First German Counterattack394
XXIII.The Bombardment of the Abbey of Monte Cassino397
XXIV.The Test at Anzio419
The Major German Attack419
Change of Command424
The Last German Attack429
XXV.The Bombing of Cassino433
XXVI.Results and Prospects449
A.Table of Equivalent Ranks457
B.Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross458
Bibliographical Note461
Basic Military Map Symbols469
Theater Commanders11
Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark29
Maj. Gen. Ernest J. Dawley30
Maj. Gen. Ernest N. Harmon30
Maj. Gen. Fred L. Walker31
Maj. Gen. Charles W. Ryder32
Maj. Gen. Troy H. Middleton32
General Sir Bernard L. Montgomery35
Vice Adm. H. Kent Hewitt36
Part of the 45th Division Boarding LST's at Palermo, Sicily51
DUKW's Crossing the Strait of Messina52
Troops Cheer the News of Italy's Surrender55
Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring61
Generaloberst Heinrich von Vietinghoff genannt Scheel65
A Panorama of the Salerno Bay Landing Area
Tanks Moving Ashore, Salerno88
LST With Improvised Flight Deck88
Troops of the 36th Division Advancing on Red Beach, Salerno89
Lt. Gen. Sir Richard L. McCreery With General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General Clark101
The Tobacco Factory105
The Ancient Temple of Neptune, Paestum111
U.S. Equipment Burning on the Beach at Salerno121
Maj. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway135
Civilians Clearing the Ruins of Eboli139
Maj. Gen. John P. Lucas158
Engineers Repairing a Bridge Near Acerno160
Wreckage in the Dockyards, Naples167
Pier Across the Hull of a Sunken Ship, Naples169
Triflisco Gap193
Self-Propelled 105-mm. Howitzer on a Ponton Treadway Bridge at the Volturno202
Removing a German S Mine221
Rescue at the Volturno223
Mignano Gap226
British Soldiers Hugging Side of Hill, Monte Camino228
Troops of the 30th Infantry Division Moving Out To Attack230
Pack Train on a Mountain Trail232
Stranded Vehicles at the Volturno250
War Against Mud250
Maj. Gen. Geoffrey T. Keyes251
Maj. Gen. William W. Eagles253
General Alphonse Juin254
Brig. Gen. Robert T. Frederick256
British Troops on Monte Camino264
2d Moroccan Infantry Division Troops Around a Campfire268
Monte Sammucro, With San Pietro on the Right271
Evacuating the Wounded284
German Pillbox on Monte Lungo285
Paratroopers Approaching San Pietro287
Medical Corpsmen at San Pietro287
General Sir Henry Maitland Wilson295
Lt. Gen. Sir Oliver Leese296
Lt. Gen. Jacob L. Devers296
Christmas Dinner on a Haystack, Somewhere in Italy299
Men on Monte Porchia309
The Liri Valley311
Mud and the 36th Division Supply Dump, Mignano Area312
German Box Mine314
Forward Observer on La Chiaia314
British 10 Corps Troops Shuttling Ambulances Across the Garigliano317
The Rapido, Viewed From Monte Trocchio324
Monte Cassino and the Benedictine Monastery325
Bringing Casualties Back From the Rapido344
Ships Off Anzio Awaiting Signals To Move to Shore359
Men and Equipment Move Ashore South of Anzio, D-Day360
The Anzio-Nettuno Area362
Men of the 504th Parachute Infantry at the Mussolini Canal364
The Cassino Area367
The Monte Cassino Monastery and Its Environs368
Bogged-Down American Tank Near the Rapido369
Remains of the Barracks377
Mortar Squad Firing Into Cassino379
240-mm. Howitzer380
Troop Position on a Rocky Hillside Near Cassino381
34th Division MP Directing Traffic From a Roadside Dugout382
Aiming a Bazooka at a Stone House384
Ruins of the 'Factory'388
Civilian Refugees in the Cassino Area398
Cassino: The Monastery, the Castle, and the Town400
Lt. Gen. Sir Bernard Freyberg403
Maj. Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther405
Monastery Under Attack [1] [2]410
Artillery Aimed at the Monastery412
Monastery in Ruins412
Archbishop Don Gregorio Diamare, Abbot of Monte Cassino, and Generalleutnant Fridolin von Senger and Etterlin415
German Troops Inside the Ruined Abbey416
M7 Self-Propelled 105-mm. Howitzers422
Smoke Screen and Observation Plane Near Ammunition Dump, Anzio424
German Prisoners Marching to the Rear426
Maj. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott, Jr429
Wine Cellar That Served as VI Corps Headquarters430
Bombing of the Town of Cassino440
Ruins of the Continental Hotel443
German Long-Range Artillery Shell Hits a Nettuno Hotel453
Revetted Hospital Tents, Anzio454
Illustrations are from Department of Defense files, with the exception of photographs on pages 101, 403, and 415, which are reproduced by kind permission of the Imperial War Museum, London.
No. Page
1. Invasion Plans12
2. The VI Corps Holds, 13-14 September 1943128
3. The Situation at the Volturno, 7 October 1943189
4. 10 Corps Drive to the Garigliano, 26 October-4 November 1943216
5. VI Corps Advance, 26 October-4 November 1943218
6. Fifth Army at the Winter Line, 5-15 November 1943227
7. First Attack on San Pietro, 8-11 December 1943272
8. Second Attack on San Pietro, 15-17 December 1943278
9. Crossing the Garigliano and Rapido Rivers, 17 January-8 February 1944323
Maps I-VII are in accompanying map envelope
I. Fifth Army Landings, 9-13 September 1943
II. Advance to the Volturno, 20 September-6 October 1943
III. Fifth Army Crosses the Volturno, 12-14 October 1943
IV. The Fifth Army Advances, 14-25 October 1943
V. Advances at Anzio, 22-31 January 1944
VI. Enemy Offensive, 16 February-3 March 1944
VII. Stalemate, Spring 1944