Online Typing Test

Online PunjabiTyping Test ( Asees)

5 minute typing test for employment

Punjabi is an Indianlanguage of Greece and more than 125 million people speaks Punjabilanguage. Including in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Chandigarh, JammuKashmir & Islamabad. This is the Best and Advance Online PunjabiTyping Test provided by, here you can do regulartyping practice on daily basis which will help you to easily Increaseand improve your typing speed WPM (Words Per Minute), NWPM (Net WordsPer Minute) & Accuracy.

  • Just Open “Typing Test” on our website and select Punjabi Typing Test.

Typing Speed Test. A typing test is a process of learning or improving typing skills. Typing skills measured by the parameters Word per minute (WPM) and Character per minute (CPM). Higher WPM or CPM indicates higher typing speed. Our typing speed test is a free online typing practice test. Save ALL typing tests, enjoy ALL features (including premium) for the lifetime of your registration with Online Typing Test. 2017 Typing Challenge. Improve words per minute (WPM) speed and accuracy in English computer keyboard skills. No more mistakes. Learn speed typing online with our free online typing speed test. Or, learn how to type at. Improve your WPM and accuracy with our free online typing tests. To simulate real-world keyboarding, you will be typing full paragraphs, and you won't see your errors or your speed until the test is finished. Click a link above to get started. The 5 minute typing test is the most common way for employers to judge your typing.

  • In few seconds a dialogue box will popup in which you have to “enter your name” type the same name which you want to show up in our “Top Ranking List” if you get Higher “NWPM” (Net Words Per Minutes) with Higher “Correct Words”.

  • Select “Number of Words” By Default “Random Words” are available which contains 1000 common Punjabi language words.

  • Select “Time” this option gives you liberty of selecting your Typing Test Time, choose how much time you want to spend on typing. You can select from 1 minute to unlimited timer.

  • After you have selected everything then press “Continue” button and website will generate a text which you have to type. As soon as you press any button to type the highlighted text, countdown timer will start automatically.

PunjabiAsees Font

Weuse popular Punjabi Asees Font. Asees Font is a True Type Font whichmeans it uses English characters to generate Punjabi text unlikeUnicode Fonts (Raavi) and Similar to Hindi Kruti Dev Font Style. Soit means computer should have Asees Font installed in order to seetext typed in it otherwise you will see some random English text.Asees Punjabi Font is very old and popular font among Punjabi typist.Some typing exams today also held in Asees Font.

SomePunjabi Typing Test Terms

  • Correct Words: These includes the words which user has type accurately.

  • Incorrect Words: These are those words which user has misspelled and typed wrongly.

  • Total Words: Correct Words + Incorrect Words = Total Words

  • Keystrokes: Total number of Times key pressed while typing including spacebar.

  • Accuracy: Percentage % of Correct Words in Total Words typed by the user.

  • Time Elapsed: This shows Total amount of Time spend by the user on Typing Test.

  • Gross Words Per Minute (GWPM): Total Words Typed / Time (minutes), This shows typing speed of a person and how fast he or she can type words per minute.

  • Net Words Per Minute (NWPM): Gross Words Per Minute – (Incorrect Words / Time), This shows typing speed of a person and how fast he or she can type words accurately per minute.


Basicdifference between GWPM and NWPM isGross Words Per Minute shows the Overall Typing Speed of a personincluding correctand incorrectwordsand Net Words Per Minute shows typing speed of a person with correctand accurate words inaddition it penalizes usersfor incorrectand wrong words.

Test your typing speed and accuracy. The test results will appear when you are done. The timer for each test starts automatically when you begin typing.

Online Typing Test

Test Your Typing Speed

This typing test will measure your typing accuracy and speed on all the letter keys:

typing is quite easy and enjoyable when you have learned to do it correctly. it is amazing just how quick you can be when you learn to touch type all the letters exactly, from a to z. just relax and realize that typing with excellent accuracy is far better than typing fast; you will find it is quicker in the end.

Want to improve? Your typing speed and skill will increase with practice. Practice typing great quotes from great books! Entertain your mind while your fingers learn to type faster.

Still peeking at the keyboard? Try these online touch typing lessons and learn how to type without looking. They are totally free!

Typing Skill Tests

Intermediate Typing Test

Test your skills typing capital letters and basic punctuation:

Online Typing Test Hindi

Capital letters are used frequently - learning to type them efficiently is 'key' to excellent typing! QWERTY keyboards have two large size SHIFT keys, which make it very convenient. Just make sure to utilize the opposite hand to hold the shift key when you type a capital letter. It's much easier this way.

Number Typing Test


Online Typing Test Words Per Minute

Typing numbers can be tricky, but practice will make you a spreadsheet whiz. This typing test covers number and math symbol keys.

Online Typing Test In English

12+3-4+5+67+8+9=100. 99 + 88 + 77 + 66 + 55 + 44 + 33 + 22 + 11 - 12 - 23 - 34 - 45 - 56 - 67 - 78 - 89 - 90 = 1. Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950... 23/7 = 3.2857142857... 1kB (kilobyte) = 2^10 bytes = (2^10) * 8 bits. e = 1 + 1/1 + 1/(1*2) + 1/(1*2*3)... = 2.71828... ln(e) = 1 = e^(i*2*pi).

Master Typing Test

Typing Test

Too easy for you? The next typing test is extremely challenging and uses numbers and symbols extensively. Just getting through this test is an accomplishment. Score above 40 WPM and you are truly a typing master!

Online Typing Test

Online Typing Test 10 Minutes

How fast can you type? Typing @ >40 WPM (normal text) is considered fast, but 'pros' often exceed ~80WPM! $2.19/page (250 words/page) = $23.652/hour @ 45 WPM & $42.048/hour @ 80 WPM! Words Per Minute, or 'WPM' = [((Total Characters)/5) * (60/Seconds)] @ 100% accuracy. ***However, Adjusted WPM = [(Chars. - (<# of Errors>)*5) * (60/Seconds)*** Fact #418: 2^(2^2)*2^(2^2)) = 2^(2^2 + 2^2) = 2^(2+2+2+2)!!