
Tina zeitschrift

Stern (pronounced, German for 'Star') is a weekly news magazine published in Hamburg, Germany, by Gruner + Jahr, a subsidiary of Bertelsmann. Lisa: Die Junge Zeitschrift Fuer Die Frau Print Magazine. Medien Innovation Gmbh. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. CiteScore: 0.3 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 0.3 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. 2016-2019) to peer-reviewed documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters) published in the same four calendar years, divided by the number of. Physikalische Zeitschrift was a journal of physics published in the early 20th century. It was published in German, but was also read by many scientists outside German-speaking countries.

Zeitschrift für Physik
Publication details
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4Z. Phys.
ISSN0939-7922 (print)
1431-5831 (web)
ISSN0722-3277 (print)
1431-584X (web)
ISSN0170-9739 (print)
1431-5858 (web)
ISSN0178-7683 (print)
1431-5866 (web)

Zeitschrift für Physik (English: Journal for Physics) is a defunct series of German peer-reviewed German scientific journal of physics established in 1920 by Springer Berlin Heidelberg. The series stopped publication in 1997, when they merged with other journals to form the new European Physical Journal series. It had grown to four parts over the years.

Zeitschrift Pdf


  • Zeitschrift für Physik (1920–1975 ISSN0044-3328), The first three issues were published as a supplement to Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. The journal split in parts A and B in 1975.
  • Zeitschrift für Physik A (1975–1997). The original subtitle was Atoms and Nuclei (ISSN0340-2193). In 1986, it split in Zeitschrift für Physik A: Atomic Nuclei (ISSN0939-7922) and Zeitschrift für Physik D. Zeitschrift für Physik A now continues as the European Physical Journal A.
  • Zeitschrift für Physik B (1975–1997). This is the result of the split of Zeitschrift für Physik and the merger of Physics of Condensed Matter (ISSN0340-2347). Physics of Condensed Matter was itself the continuation of Physik der Kondensierten MaterieISSN0031-9236). The original subtitle of Zeitschrift für Physik B was Condensed Matter and Quanta (ISSN0340-224X) but changed to Condensed Matter (ISSN0722-3277) in 1980. Zeitschrift für Physik B merged with Journal de Physique I (ISSN1155-4304) to form European Physical Journal B.
Brigitte zeitschrift
  • Zeitschrift für Physik C: Particles and Fields (1979–1997, ISSN0170-9739), continuing as the European Physical Journal C.

Zeitschrift Fuer Kristallographie

  • Zeitschrift für Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters (1986–1997, ISSN0178-7683). Zeitschrift für Physik D merged with Journal de Physique II (ISSN1155-4312 to form European Physical Journal D.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Zeitschrift luxemburg

Brigitte Zeitschrift

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Zeitschrift Praline

» Tabular list of translations always
» List of translations starting with the same letters
» Zeit Zeitschrift
NOUNdie Zeitschrift die Zeitschriften
SYNOBlatt Gazette Heft Journal ...
Zeitschrift {f}<Ztschr.>
magazine <mag.>journ.publ.
journal <jour.>journ.publ.
Zeitschrift {f}
periodical publication
billige Zeitschrift {f}
penny number [rare][Br.]
elektronische Zeitschrift {f}
e-zine [electronic magazine]Internet
electronic journallibr.
geisteswissenschaftliche Zeitschrift {f}
liberal arts journalacad.publ.
illustrierte Zeitschrift {f}
illustrated magazine
pictorial magazinejourn.publ.
TV-Zeitschrift {f}
TV guide [magazine]journ.publ.RadioTV
wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift {f}
academic journalacad.publ.
scholarly journalacad.publ.
Abbestellung {f} einer Zeitschrift
cancellation of a periodical
Bezugsbedingungen {pl} einer Zeitschrift
terms of subscription
Mitarbeiter {m} einer Zeitschrift
contributor to a periodical
Nummer {f} einer Zeitschrift
copy of a newspaperjourn.publ.
zweiwöchentlich erscheinende Zeitschrift {f}
Die Zeitschrift erscheint freitags.
The magazine comes out on Fridays.
eine Zeitschrift regelmäßig zusenden
to supply a periodical regularly
alte Ausgabe {f} einer Zeitschrift
back number of a magazine
alte Nummer {f} einer Zeitschrift
back number of a journal
Anzeige {f} in einer Zeitschrift
advertisement in a magazine
frühere Ausgabe {f} einer Zeitschrift
back issue of a journal
lustige Zeitschrift {f} mit Karikaturen
comic paper
comic magazine
Zeitschrift {f} mit lustigen Bildergeschichten
comic-strip magazinecomicspubl.
Zeitschrift {f} mit lustigen Bildgeschichten
comic paper
Er möchte eine Zeitschrift im Eigenverlag herausgeben.
He wants to self-publish a magazine.publ.
Anzeigen in einer Zeitschrift schalten
to place ads in a magazine [coll.]journ.
Ausfalter {m} in der Mitte einer Zeitschrift
centerfold [Am.]print
centrefold [Br.]print