Casino La Noira

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In thisessay, I will be comparing the film Casino Royale and the game LA noire. I willbe looking at 3 main elements; Genre, Cinematography and Representation.

Casino La Noria San Donato

LA Noire seems to be set in 1940's California in“a city” near Hollywood. The voice over has a deep husky, American-Italianaccent which connotes danger and crime, relating to the Mafia. Relating to miseen scene, the costumes relate to the genre of film. The men wear suits and aresmartly dressed, and the women are wearing casual dresses but with perfectlypinned hair. This was the stereotypical fashion for the 40's. The city whichthe narrator is describing seems to be again a stereotypical city. However heimplies that not everything is as it seems. This signifies danger and mysteryto the game. In my opinion, this game seems to be a gangster genre with hintsof crime, danger and action. It is a typical man’s game because it appeals tohis adventure side of life.
Similarly, in Casino Royale, the main theme in thebeginning is action. Even in the first few minutes, murder, guns and crime arebrought to the viewers eyes. Furthermore, the characters never seem to be inthe centre foreground. For example, when we first see Bond, he is the the verycorner of the room. This suggests that he has something to hide and he doesn'twant to reveal it all by being in the centre limelight. Casino Royale wasreleased by Columbia pictures, which is an American studio. In most actionAmerican films, british people play the bad guy. Here in the first few scenes,the person Bond is there to kill has a very strong, posh English accent. Thisis a cliché thing to have in an American action film.
LA Noire uses colour filters and long but slowmoving shots to show how pleasant “the city” is to an outsider. The wide angleshots also show how the rest of the people are interacting and going abouttheir day. Although it may be lightly focusing about a few characters, it'stalking about the city in general. The clip shows different peoples lives andalthough everything looks good on the outside and the city is described as “acity of dreams,” “not everything is as it seems”. The clip seems to be aperformance for a commercial; showing new people what the city looks like andinviting them into the city, but in reality it seems fake and put on, like thenarrator is trying to cover up the dangerous side to the city.

However, on the other hand, Casino Royale uses ablack and white filter to connote the uncertainty of the characters future andif he is going to survive. The diegetic sound creates an eeriness to the sceneand allows the viewer to become submerged in the characters actions and whathis fate will be. The long shadows in the office create a deeper effect to themeaning of the scene. It's not just a normal, proceeded killing, it makes Bondrealises that killing isn't just part of the job, it's personal. The opening sceneuses quick cuts to make the action seem more heightened and frantic, like thereis a panic. It also gives the idea of a POV from the viewer, like they areblinking and missing part of the story. The low key lighting follows the trendof danger and wrong-doing. This hints to the viewer the genre of the film andhow the rest of the film will proceed. They use mid shots to show the actionwhile at the same time the characters expressions, long shots to show the whole'picture' to the audience and extreme close ups to display true aspects of thecharacters personality.

LA Noire shows peoples everyday lives and jobs andhow the “city” has made their life better. Firstly, it shows how owning a caris a sign of “freedom” and how without it, your life is constrained. This couldlink to the recent past of the great depression and how people were restrictedof life by the amount of money they owned. It goes on to explain how having ahouse is like a “castle”, it's each and every persons own bit of land. Thenarrator carries on to say that California is a “land of dreams”. This againreflects how people saw California as a sign of the promised land, because itheld everything people needed: money, jobs and land. Ambient sound is also represented to produce acommon scen effect. The scene also usesan L cut to produce the sound justbefore the next scene to make the edit feel smoother. At the end of the openingscene, an illuminate reference is given from the narrator. He explains thatthis city has “no boundaries and can stretch as far as the eye can see” and ashe says this the camera pans over a building with an eye in a triangle. Thissuggests that there is a superstition to the city.
In Casino Royale, singular words make Bond havememories. In this memory, he is the opposite to everyone else. Instead ofenjoying the cricket game he is watching something else and while everyone elsewears white or light coloured clothing, he wears a black suit as he stands inthe shadows, like he has something to hide. It represents Bond as an outcast tothe norm. As bond chases the victim through the building, the cricket matchcarries on, completely senseless of the chaos happening inside. The last shotin the opening scene is the victim trying to shoot Bond. It shows Bond down thebarrel of the gun. This represents Bond as a target and how he always seems tobe getting into the wrong situations. The blood dripping down the screen symbolizesthe power of blood and how it can save or destroys lives.
In conclusion to this, both LA Noire and CasinoRoyale use many micro film elements like mise en scene and sound to create agood opening scene for a thriller action film and game.

Casino La Noira

In thisessay, I will be comparing the film Casino Royale and the game LA noire. I willbe looking at 3 main elements; Genre, Cinematography and Representation.
LA Noire seems to be set in 1940's California in“a city” near Hollywood. The voice over has a deep husky, American-Italianaccent which connotes danger and crime, relating to the Mafia. Relating to miseen scene, the costumes relate to the genre of film. The men wear suits and aresmartly dressed, and the women are wearing casual dresses but with perfectlypinned hair. This was the stereotypical fashion for the 40's. The city whichthe narrator is describing seems to be again a stereotypical city. However heimplies that not everything is as it seems. This signifies danger and mysteryto the game. In my opinion, this game seems to be a gangster genre with hintsof crime, danger and action. It is a typical man’s game because it appeals tohis adventure side of life.
Similarly, in Casino Royale, the main theme in thebeginning is action. Even in the first few minutes, murder, guns and crime arebrought to the viewers eyes. Furthermore, the characters never seem to be inthe centre foreground. For example, when we first see Bond, he is the the verycorner of the room. This suggests that he has something to hide and he doesn'twant to reveal it all by being in the centre limelight. Casino Royale wasreleased by Columbia pictures, which is an American studio. In most actionAmerican films, british people play the bad guy. Here in the first few scenes,the person Bond is there to kill has a very strong, posh English accent. Thisis a cliché thing to have in an American action film.
LA Noire uses colour filters and long but slowmoving shots to show how pleasant “the city” is to an outsider. The wide angleshots also show how the rest of the people are interacting and going abouttheir day. Although it may be lightly focusing about a few characters, it'stalking about the city in general. The clip shows different peoples lives andalthough everything looks good on the outside and the city is described as “acity of dreams,” “not everything is as it seems”. The clip seems to be aperformance for a commercial; showing new people what the city looks like andinviting them into the city, but in reality it seems fake and put on, like thenarrator is trying to cover up the dangerous side to the city.

However, on the other hand, Casino Royale uses ablack and white filter to connote the uncertainty of the characters future andif he is going to survive. The diegetic sound creates an eeriness to the sceneand allows the viewer to become submerged in the characters actions and whathis fate will be. The long shadows in the office create a deeper effect to themeaning of the scene. It's not just a normal, proceeded killing, it makes Bondrealises that killing isn't just part of the job, it's personal. The opening sceneuses quick cuts to make the action seem more heightened and frantic, like thereis a panic. It also gives the idea of a POV from the viewer, like they areblinking and missing part of the story. The low key lighting follows the trendof danger and wrong-doing. This hints to the viewer the genre of the film andhow the rest of the film will proceed. They use mid shots to show the actionwhile at the same time the characters expressions, long shots to show the whole'picture' to the audience and extreme close ups to display true aspects of thecharacters personality.

Casino La Noria Masseria

LA Noire shows peoples everyday lives and jobs andhow the “city” has made their life better. Firstly, it shows how owning a caris a sign of “freedom” and how without it, your life is constrained. This couldlink to the recent past of the great depression and how people were restrictedof life by the amount of money they owned. It goes on to explain how having ahouse is like a “castle”, it's each and every persons own bit of land. Thenarrator carries on to say that California is a “land of dreams”. This againreflects how people saw California as a sign of the promised land, because itheld everything people needed: money, jobs and land. Ambient sound is also represented to produce acommon scen effect. The scene also usesan L cut to produce the sound justbefore the next scene to make the edit feel smoother. At the end of the openingscene, an illuminate reference is given from the narrator. He explains thatthis city has “no boundaries and can stretch as far as the eye can see” and ashe says this the camera pans over a building with an eye in a triangle. Thissuggests that there is a superstition to the city.
In Casino Royale, singular words make Bond havememories. In this memory, he is the opposite to everyone else. Instead ofenjoying the cricket game he is watching something else and while everyone elsewears white or light coloured clothing, he wears a black suit as he stands inthe shadows, like he has something to hide. It represents Bond as an outcast tothe norm. As bond chases the victim through the building, the cricket matchcarries on, completely senseless of the chaos happening inside. The last shotin the opening scene is the victim trying to shoot Bond. It shows Bond down thebarrel of the gun. This represents Bond as a target and how he always seems tobe getting into the wrong situations. The blood dripping down the screen symbolizesthe power of blood and how it can save or destroys lives.

Masseria Casino La Noira

In conclusion to this, both LA Noire and CasinoRoyale use many micro film elements like mise en scene and sound to create agood opening scene for a thriller action film and game.